Monday 30 September 2013

Crisp Autumn days ahead

All those sweaters I put away for the summer, Its time to bring them out! The mornings and evenings are cold here.Single-digit temperatures at night mean flannel pajamas for me.I wish summer would stay forever but then I would miss seeing all the beautiful colors of Autumn. If I could skip winter all together, I would be a happy girl. Now that my boy's are older I miss the times when we would rake the leaves and pile them high, Just to have them bulldozer threw them. My nephew is almost 2, I think I will have to steal him to have an excuse to run threw the leaves again. What is your favourite autumn past time?

Sunday 29 September 2013

A "new" dresser

I just finished refinishing an old dresser for my sister. She bought a dresser online for 11$ and was going to keep it as is, until I came up with a most awesome idea of painting it. I had no idea what I was going to do, but new it at least needed to be painted. When we brought it to my place I soon discovered one drawer was broken beyond repair. I decided to take it out and turn the space into a shelf.

Old dresser

Drawer taken out and shelf made

Now came the primer and paint, I chose an off white color.

I decided to distress the paint a little but quickly decided it looked to plain. Off to the store to buy some stencils. I used a beige paint for the chevron and stenciled the front of the drawers. Added the same color to the top and bottom.
I really like the way it turned out. All it needs now are some handles.