Wednesday 30 October 2013

Wow ! What a month

Phew! I am glad the month is almost over. It has been crazy busy over here.
The garden, lawn and surroundings had to be prepped for winter, even tho I am not ready to give up my flip flops just yet.

This blew into my yard, Thanks for the reminder!

I have been a busy bee with creating and adding new items to my Etsy shop. Still very low views and sales. :(

I have a new nephew! Love him to bits!

While Mommy and Daddy where busy in the hospital, I got to spend quality time with older brother.

And tomorrow is Halloween! My kiddos are older now and we don't have any little ones come around anymore so I miss out on all the cute costumes. What are your little ones dressing as??

Tuesday 1 October 2013

An afternoon with my nephew

Today my nephew came over for a visit, my sister and her hubby went to a funeral. Since my boys are pretty much grown I don't have a lot of toys laying around for him to play with. So instead of putting him in front of the television we went out for a walk. First we went to the school where I work as a lunch program supervisor. All the kids flocked over to him and oohed and awed at how cute he is, Of course he is, after all I am his auntie ;) He shied away at all the attention and buried his head into my shoulders. We or should I say I decided it was time to walk home, it was pretty cold out and I was not dressed for the weather at all. We walked and talked and picked up sticks and admired the leaves that had fallen from the trees. God I miss this stage of curiosity and awe. I finally convinced him it was time to come inside, of course he was not having any of it. I love spending time with him and we had a great afternoon.